
Filcar: the architect workshop

When talking about professionalism and innovation for dell 'workshop industry, the reference goes at once to Filcar . Founded in 1989, the Emilian company today is a brand recognized and appreciated internationally. Two business centers (headquarters in Reggio Emilia and a sales office in France), 50 work units including 8 Technical Commercial: these, in summary, the numbers of an entrepreneurial phenomenon made ​​in Italy always oriented to innovation and to ' manufacturing excellence to meet the needs of its customers. The trampoline that bounces the growth of Filcar (manufacturer of technical components and systems for the mechanical workshop) from local to global initially mature strand on the intake of the exhaust gases with a large portfolio of products ranging from mechanical reels up to extraction arms. On this land are developed, then over time, the other ramifications. Including, for example, the implementation of systems and components for the dispensing of fluid and evacuation of exhausted oils. And many other solutions tailored to the 'garage owner and his maintenance work. A little 'as an architect, Filcar (present in over 100 countries worldwide and is part, along with 25 other companies, the CO.FI.SE Group, who has extensive experience in the industrial field for almost 60 years) designs l' of a workshop working environment. He studies it, customize it, make it more practical, professional, safe, orderly, modular and ergonomic according to the mechanical specific activities. "The technical furnishing supply - explains Andrea Cangiano Silverio, CEO of Filcar - is functional and coherent to the workplace where it will be placed. "" of a classic workshop - continues - we will make a faithful recreation in our stand at Automechanika Frankfurt , where not only present our design solutions, but also Darwin. An innovative and revolutionary product linked to the sector of the exhaust gas ".

First, it will present to the public Filcar Automechanika Frankfurt?

In Frankfurt we will have a stand of about 160 metriquadri that will be set up in an entirely unique way online, as it were, with the key concepts of our corporate identity. In essence, we will reproduce the environment of a workshop views in a modern and revolutionary, of course allestendola with our products. We are recognized on an international scale, as the good professionals in the workplace design and customization dedicated to the repair of the vehicle. A meticulous work that starts from an initial analysis of the habitat, the installation of the products until technical furnishing. All giving a more functional life to existing spaces, recovering unused ones with an arranged placement of our equipment consistent with the individual repairer's requirements. Well designed and developed, it creates a safer work place, elegant and efficient. All in aid of the maintenance activities that daily take place within it.

In the exhibition frame, it will be made a special focus on a particular range of products or on some new article about it points to the enterprise?

Yes. We will present a world exclusive Darwin. I limit myself only to say that it is an innovative and revolutionary product linked to the sector of the exhaust gas. Our main core business which has taken lives of our entrepreneurial activities and on which then develop others and subsequent business branches.

What are the goals and expectations that nourishes the company from participation in the German event?

Our presence in Automechanika Frankfurt is the historic circuit. We have always taken part in the expo German in which, every two years, meet all the key players and actors operating in the field of production and distribution of aftermarket components and center products for workshops. We expect and we hope to expand our network of relationships with parts suppliers, distributors, dealers operating worldwide.




